Friday, October 2, 2009

Agenda, Friday 10/2/09

I AM GLAD TO SEE YOU ALL. Following directions from my blog was much better the last two days. Thank you!

BUT I only have 12 comments on my blog yesterday out of 21. If you aren't sure how to post a comment on my blog - YOU HAVE GOT TO TELL ME AND LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT.

October 7th, Field Trip: I am missing several completed, signed forms. The following ARE THE ONES I HAVE RECEIVED! If your name is not on here, YOU MUST BRING ME YOUR FORM MONDAY. THIS IS A MUST FOR THIS CLASS!
  • Adrian Aviles
  • Lexi Coursey
  • Jessica Escobedo
  • Teslyn Hernandez
  • Uytina McLeod
  • Roxanne Trevino
  • Marison Vasquez
  • Rickeal Crittendon
  • Victoria Gonzales
  • Amanda Lemaster
  • Kimberyly Pendergrass
  • Ashley Rosales
  • Shanque Sampson
  • Joe Vanek
Again, if your name is not listed above, you have to bring me your signed field trip form by Monday.

* Update your time sheets as needed
* turn in your permission slip if you have it
* update your Work Week #6 schedule post as needed
* make a copy of your pay check stub if you brought one in
* update your yellow pay check stub record sheet (located in your folder)

Correcting resumes and working on OSHA.
And make-up work as needed. I will let everyone know today what you owe me.
1) There are several of you that I want to come around and work with you on your resume on the computer. Others I have corrected your print outs from Wednesday. Please get them from your mailbox and make the corrections.

2) I want you to work on OSHA once you have corrected your resume, or while you are waiting for me to come to your computer.

1) any makeup work
2) FRESH NEW PRINT OUT OF YOUR RESUME, stapled to the top of your old copies.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Agenda, Thursday, 10/1/09

* I must receive your permission slip for the field trip next week, ASAP. If you brought it today, please turn it in to your class period's turn in box. I will get them this afternoon.
* Today I am gone again. Please be on your best behavior and get a whole lot completed on your OSHA certification course. I would like to see everyone finished through Ergonomocis by end of the period on Thursday.
* If you were absent yesterday, I hope you notified me. Also you need to make sure that you read yesterday's post of assignments. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YESTERDAY'S ASSIGNMENTS.

* Remember everyone must have a notebook for my class and you should have gotten 8 dividers. You can set up the dividers today. I want the following dividers set up in your notebook (if you don't have dividers, then make them with notebook paper):

  1. CPWBL Manual
  2. CPWBL Forms
  3. Reference Handouts/Notes
  4. Test/Quizes
  5. Employment Portfolio
  6. Evaluations
  7. Graded Work
  8. (leave this last one blank for right now)

I will do a notebook check on Friday, please make sure have a 3 ring binder for my class and that you have the dividers set up in it. Remember you can get one from me if you need one and you can leave it back in the back book shelf so you don't have to take it with you.


* Update your time sheets as needed

* turn in your permission slip if you have it

* update your Work Week #6 schedule post as needed

* make a copy of your pay check stub if you brought one in

* update your yellow pay check stub record sheet (located in your folder)


1) If you didn't turn in your Resume yesterday, I will still accept it with a point deduction.

2) Post a comment to my blog post today. Tell me where you are in the OSHA certification course as of the beginning of this class.

3) Continue to work on your OSHA careersafe course

Be sure to ask the sub for the module fact sheets if you need one. Make a copy so you can make notes on it.

REMEMBER YOU ONLY GET 3 TRYS AND THEN IT KICKS YOU OUT. So study the information very well and use your notes on the assessments.

There is no reason for anyone to be on another web page other than Career Safe online. IF for some reason, the Career Safe online website is down, the sub as an alternative assignment that will need to be run off and given to each of you.


* update all your information

* post a comment to my blog ASAP

* get as far in OSHA as you canHave a great day and I will see yall on Friday.

Have a great day. I will be back tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Agenda, Wednesday 9/30/09

* I must receive your permission slip for the field trip next week, ASAP. If you brought it today, please turn it in to your class period's turn in box. I will get them this afternoon.
* Today I am gone. Please be on your best behavior and get a whole lot completed on your OSHA certification course. I would like to see everyone finished through Ergonomocis by end of the period on Thursday.
* I placed several things in your mailboxes today. Please keep all of them. Put all of them in your notebook.
* Resumes: Everyone receives a 65 until you get it letter perfect which will then change your 65 to a 100. We have to have them letter perfect by next Wednesday!!
* Everyone must have a notebook for my class and you should have gotten 8 dividers. You can set up the dividers today. I want the following dividers set up in your notebook (if you don't have dividers, then make them with notebook paper):

  1. CPWBL Manual
  2. CPWBL Forms
  3. Reference Handouts/Notes
  4. Test/Quizes
  5. Employment Portfolio
  6. Evaluations
  7. Graded Work
  8. (leave this last one blank for right now)

I will do a notebook check on Friday, please make sure have a 3 ring binder for my class and that you have the dividers set up in it. Remember you can get one from me if you need one and you can leave it back in the back book shelf so you don't have to take it with you.

* check your mailbox (I placed some items in there for you) File all the returned work behind your Graded Work tab in your notebook, until further notice)
* Update your time sheets as needed
* turn in your permission slip if you have it
* update your Work Week #6 schedule post as needed
* make a copy of your pay check stub if you brought one in
* update your yellow pay check stub record sheet (located in your folder)
* If you turned in your time sheet yesterday, like you were supposed to, I have put it in your mailbox. Please put it back in your folder. Thank you.

1) I want everyone to print out a copy of their RESUME. I placed the graded resumes in your mailbox. Please make those corrections and reprint. Staple your new print out to the top of your old, and place it in your class period's turn in box. (THIS IS YOUR DIALY GRADE FOR TODAY.) If I don't get it, it's a zero. If on your resume I wrote I need to work on it on the computer, then correct what you can, reprint and turn back in. There is a reason for me having you do this the way I am, please just follow my instructions. I MUST RECEIVE A RESUME PRINT OUT FROM EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TODAY. Ashley and Victoria, print out and turn in what you get done today. Thanks.

2) work on your OSHA careersafe course

I have given the sub my orginials of the module fact sheets. Please ask the sub for a copy of which ever one you need and then use that copy to take notes and help you study that module for the assessment. REMEMBER YOU ONLY GET 3 TRYS AND THEN IT KICKS YOU OUT. So study the information very well and use your notes on the assessments.

There is no reason for anyone to be on another web page other than Career Safe online. I expect everyone to work on your resume and then Careersafe, nothing else.

IF for some reason, the Career Safe online website is down, the sub as an alternative assignment that will need to be run off and given to each of you.

* update all your information
* copy of your resume
* get as far in OSHA as you can

Have a great day and I will see yall on Friday.

Agenda, Tuesday 9/29/09


I won't be here tomorrow. You will be working on your OSHA certification all period.
Yall have got to start getting here quicker to class. Walk faster.

* Check my blog
* Read my blog completely
* Update your time sheet
* Post your weekly work schedule on your blog TODAY title of post should be Work Week #6 (points will be taken off it you don't title your post correctly, I gave you a calendar, please make sure you use it to find out which week we are in, when needed).

1) complete warmup
2) class discussion on a couple of items
3) Turn in your 1st 9 weeks time sheet to the box for grading
4) Make sure you are updating your yellow pay check stub sheet every time you copy another pay check stub.
5) I am not sure what else.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Agenda, Monday 9/28/09

* No school . . . no work
* you must text or call me if you are going to be out for any reason
* If you want to quit your job you must let me know first. If you are fired you need to let me know IMMEDIATELY. You have 15 days to get another job. Your grade will suffer greatly (probably fail the 9 weeks).

* Check my blog
* Read my blog completely
* Update your time sheet
* Post your weekly work schedule on your blog TODAY
title of post should be Work Week #6

1) Discuss a few things
- me being gone
- commenting on my blog vs. posting to yours
- reading my blog (assignments given ~ grades accessed from those assignments given)
- being out, going to work
2) Continue working on your OSHA certification
- where is everyone: post comment to my today's agenda blog post